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(version: development)

3 cedille-mode commands

To enter Cedille navigation mode (invoking the backend), the command is Alt-s. In Cedille navigation mode, the following commands are available:

4 Navigation


Navigate to the next same-level node in the parse tree


Navigate to the previous same-level node in the parse tree


Navigate to the parent of the current node in the parse tree


Navigate to the previously visited child (first by default) node of the current node in the parse tree


Navigate to the first/last node in the current level of the parse tree


Select next/previous error


Select first/last error in file


Jump to location associated with selected node


Clear current selection


Navigate to the previous/next page in browsing history


Navigate to the first/last page in browsing history

5 Information


Toggle info mode (provides information about the currently selected node)


Toggle context mode (provides information about the context of the currently selected term)


Toggle summary mode (provides information about the contents of the entire file)


Toggle scratch mode


Open information documents describing how to use Cedille mode


Close all emacs windows except the current one; convenience keystroke for emacs command delete-other-windows.


Highlight/unhighlight all instances of the selected symbol (context-sensitive)

6 Interactive

If associated with a span (and the beginning and end characters of the span were not deleted), each of these commands will be re-called each time you enter into Cedille mode. They all begin with the ’C-i’ prefix.

C-i n

Show normalization of selected span. If no span is selected, this will prompt an expression to normalize.

C-i h

Like ’C-i n’, but shows head-normalization

C-i u

Show a single reduction of the selected span

C-i e

Show erasure of selected span. If no span is selected, this will prompt an expression to erase.

C-i r

Remove all interactive attributes associated with the selected span

C-i R

Remove all interactive attributes

C-i b

Open the beta-reduction buffer with an input expression. Copies global scope and local scope if a span is selected.

C-i B

Open the beta-reduction buffer with the selected span

C-i t

Open the beta-reduction buffer with the selected span’s expected type (or type if there is no expected type)

7 Other


Copy the selected span to the scratch buffer

C-h <int>

Alters highlighting scheme depending on value of <int>: 1: default highlighting 2: language level highlighting 3: checking mode highlighting


Quit Cedille mode


Kill the Cedille process and restart it if it is taking an unusually long time


Open customization window for configuring Cedille mode

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